About Us


If you've come to this page, you've stumbled across it accidentally or genuinely want to know a little about us... Hopefully, you're the latter, but if you're here accidentally yet still reading, good on you, and we welcome you to stay as long as you like. 😘

So... Where to begin?

We have been around for quite a while as individuals; if you're here reading this, we're sure you're in a similar boat. But one day, however, it was decided by a higher being, one whom this brand is named after, that no longer shall we just be individuals, sort of hanging about. It was time to make the world-wide-web our plaything, not just the parks and ovals in which we ventured prior. Barker didn't say these things mind you, but we could read it in his face; it said, I've always wanted to sell clothes! Odd thing for a dog, we know, we said the same thing, but what he wants, he gets!

Speaking of getting what he wants, his main objective in this world is to make people smile (even with his grumpy appearance)! Who can't smile when looking at a dog (if it's good)

Material things may not be around forever, but let's keep the ideals alive by continuing to smile!

Why us?

You might be wondering what we offer other than telling you to smile. Well, we instead hope that the products themselves make you smile! Whether from a personal feeling of gain when they arrive, the quality, the comfort, the competitive prices, or the designs on them. 

We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves and, in turn, the well-being of those buying our things! If that means exposing Barker and his seemingly surly disposition, so be it. We really do hope it makes you smile; it makes us smile.

We are all about simplicity, for the most part. It's not easy starting up a business! We had no idea how to begin. Oh, Sorry for going on a tangent there; let's bring it back a bit. Yes, we are all about simplicity, hopefully making your time with us as easy and enjoyable as possible. We don't like a mess, especially in the products we sell. So we keep our designs freshsimple and fun.

Woah, that was a lot to look through! 😳 

Thank you for taking the time to read about us, and no matter your situation, remember to smile nonetheless! ❤️

- Barker and the Barker team 🐾